
In the project “Text+Berg digital” (“Text+Mountain digital”) we have digitised and annotated the two series of yearbooks published by the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC): “Jahrbuch des S.A.C.” (1864-1923) and “Alpen” (1925-today).

The books constitute a precious collection of reports and essays on all aspects of alpinism as well as alpine nature and culture. Since these series have been published continuously, they represent a unique basis for historical, cultural and linguistic research.

The 150 years sequence of the digitised books provides new opportunities for scientific investigation: it enables the quantitative analysis of diachronic language change as well as the study of typical language structures, linguistic topoi, and figures of speech. Moreover, the digital books allow for a quick access as the basis for the qualitative analysis of texts and pictures.

The project has been initiated and was directed by Noah Bubenhofer (Deutsches Seminar, University of Zurich) and Martin Volk (Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich). It is supported by researchers from different faculties as well as by the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC) and the Austrian Academy Corpus (AAC).